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im in the escaping the police no on...

im in the escaping the police no one can help me im also a good tipper ill give a tip for the one that helped me

ive been caught in 5 muniutes start over,caught again,start over,caught again the total time........10 HOURS!oh my help its just my first time will be greatfull to help:)!

By azuula
go to the bushes at the bottum and hide be hind them and the police man will turn his flash light off then run behind the next bush keep doing that till your out.
By tsuki
read the instructions it will tell you the first few steps the go down all the way down there should be bushes above you like and L put tilted move up so your head looks like it covers them walk across (police will see you don't panic) and the should be bushes like this l and two parallel sets _- go up agaainst l bushes and go up one then go all the way down police won't see you any more stick to edge the right below exit go up and out police will see but not have time to catch you
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