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Farm Frenzy 2 Forum

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Any help for spice street one and t...

Any help for spice street one and two?

By petre
For Spice 1: It's crazy! Keep 8-10 chickens, upgrading your truck and warehouse immediately. While the truck's away, water, water, water, then start clicking like crazy to pick up the eggs and process them on both sides. Upgrade the plane once and send it for at least 10 sugars.

Bears will be dropping like crazy and they'll undoubtedly kill a few of your chickens but you (unlike the chickens!) will be fine anyway. The biggest challenge is to keep up with collecting goods, sending the plane off CONSTANTLY, and watering.

You may need to upgrade the truck, plane and storage another time each depending on what part of the level drives you the craziest. In any event, you'll still be able to get 10,000 for the cow well under the gold time.

For Spice 2: Sell one pig immediately for water and supply money. Process hams as they fall. When you can, upgrade storage once and buy 5 meat trays.

Your smokehouse and packing plants can only handle 1 meat at a time, so you'll have spare steaks throughout the level. You'll need to buy 5 more trays as soon as you're running low on trays, but that'll do it for the level. Sell off extra steaks, packed meat and bears, upgrading your truck once as soon as you can.

Depending on your preferences, and the time you're shooting for, you can upgrade your truck a second time so that you can sell off everything, including the pigs, to finish in about 3 min. If you just want gold, then you can do it with the second level truck alone.
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